Reality television has had a major influence on the viewing public in many different ways.  People seem to look toward reality television as a way that they should feel, dress, act, and live life day to day.  If an impressionable teen were to watch Jersey Shores for instance, she/he may start behaving as the people on the show behave.  Learn how by clicking the link here

 It doesn’t stop with simply talking like them or using bad language or slang.  It completely transforms a person if they allow it.  This is why it is so popular. People like seeing something different and trying to put their own spin on it. For instance, if you spent your whole life living in Texas, then the life of someone living in New York seems foreign to you. It may almost seem to have a serious attraction to you.  Similar to seeing that new dress in the store window and feeling like you really need it. You are not just attracted to the fashion though.  You are attracted to the differences between the two life styles.  Though this can be encouraging you to explore new locations, but at the same time can change you into viewing life in a more negative manner.

Watching someone going through a difficult time in their lives can be depressing and can cause an equal emotion or feeling in your life.  If you surround yourself with negativity, than you truly start to feel negative.  The same applies to watching drama on the television.  You must limit your intake and always be able to differentiate reality your reality from that of someone else.

I always said that there is too much drama in my life to sit and watch it on television.  I do not like television mainly because I believe everyone on those reality shows are complete morons.  When it comes to the contests like Survivor or Big Brother, it always baffles me how they push the contestants to be devious, lie, and backstab.  I am raising my family to be honest and kind to each other, but the media world is training everyone to be deceitful. This seems like a poor choice to me.  Why force people to be mean when we are trying so hard to prove peace is possible?

People seem to have no attachment in their life with the world around them, so in a sense, they seem to want to cling to what is popular.  Regardless of how completely silly they look wearing the latest fashion, or how ridiculous they sound trying out the new slang, they feel comfortable being like everyone else.  They take pride in the fact that the price tag on the jeans they just bought is just a little higher than yours.  Everything seems to be a competition within the human race to be the best of the best.  If we stopped trying to beat everyone, we could enjoy life.  We could even make new friends all over the world. 

Ever since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to fit in.  I realized I don’t have the money for the luxurious life that most kids live.  People are so focused on the price tag of life that they are not taking time to notice our world crumbling around them.  If that is not the case, then they know what is going on in life and are watching other forms of drama to try to block out the harshness of reality.  Life is not that difficult really.

 If we all just tried to help than we could change the world.  No one says you have to plant a tree to save a whale.  But just recycling, or not buying $1000 Gucci hand purses for your twelve year old daughter.  You must be able to teach your children ethics, morals, humbleness, budgeting, and how to earn.  Not just how to spend.  I encourage everyone to save their money and spend it on something that will actually help them in their everyday lives.  Perhaps your car only gets fifteen miles per gallon, so why not save for a Prius? That helps the environment and your wallet.  Instead, people buy the Snookie boots they saw on Jersey Shore.  People just need to get their priorities straight.

In conclusion it is my belief that reality television is changing our youth and teaching them to all behave, dress, and feel similar instead of choosing their own path in life.  It is teaching us all how to be deceitful and hurtful to others all for a cash value that would  be better spent on the earth than in the hands of a liar.  The negativity and deceitful drama is just too much to focus on when real life drama is happening all around us and most people are completely oblivious.

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